

We have many ministries to serve you and many opportunities for you to serve, grow and become a part of our dynamic family. We would love to come alongside you, fan your flame and run with you.

Scroll below for more details.

Children’s Ministry

Our goal is not for your child to be “babysat”. Our goal is to minister to your child in the same way that Jesus would minister to them. Making eye contact, using affirming words of love and identity, gently correcting wrong attitudes and creatively facilitating and teaching God’s loving character and truths. Your Children Are Safe All River House staff and volunteers are thoroughly vetted with Protect My Ministry’s state and national background check. Every staff and volunteer must complete…

Men’s Ministry

Are you looking for a place to connect with other men? Are you tired of religion but still love Jesus? Do you wish you had a spiritual father but never knew how to get one? Do you want to connect with other men doing manly things? Whatever the reason, we invite you to come join a fellowship of men who are passionately pursuing authenticity, humility and Christlikeness. God loves men and that includes you! Various Events Once a month men’s…

Women’s Ministry

The women of River House are prophetic, fiery, lovers of Jesus. You can’t hang around them for long without being changed for the better. They meet formally and spontaneously around the city in various groups and various times. Check the church calendar for events specific to the women or for more questions or information contact Claire Harmer or scroll down to the bottom and give us a call.

Training & Equipping

Jesus said “Come follow me”. Just like physical parenting, spiritual parenting is more caught than taught. Although we have many classes and hands on training, there is no substitute for joining into the life and rhythms of a spiritual parent. Come join into our church and family rhythms and imitate us as we imitate Christ. Wednesday Night Equipping Classes Wednesday night equipping is our main vehicle for practical training and hands on learning. We run our equipping modules in 10…

Youth & Young Adults

Our youth and young adults are fiery, passionate doers of the word and lovers of Jesus. They hear God’s voice, encourage each other in the scriptures, prophesy over each other and heal the sick. They also have lots of fun being family together. First time visitors to the youth and young adults often report that they have never seen or experienced a group of young people that loved God so much and took Him so seriously. They become ignited in…

Healing Rooms

River House Healing Rooms are a safe place where you can come and receive free ministry from trained, experienced, accountable prayer ministers for physical, emotional or spiritual problems. Our Healing Rooms are open at the church on the first Wednesday night of every month from 7-9pm. You are welcome to walk in or you can send an email to Dawna Krekula and reserve a spot. What to Expect You will be greeted at the door by a friendly face and…

Creative Arts

Look around and you will find that God is the most extravagant, colorful, creative artist the world will ever know. Look at children and you will know that we are all born artists. God speaks profoundly through the arts and as we resurrect this right brain skill, we open our hearts to let God communicate his love and truths through 2D, 3D and 4D ways. Check the church calendar for creative art days we hold throughout the year. Come paint…